6 great HR accounts to follow on TwitterIt’s no surprise that social media has changed our professional lives. From the comfort of our desk chairs, we can interact with our customers (and potential customers), network with our peers, learn from top HR leaders, and more.

We think Twitter is one of the best ways to do this, so we’ve identified (in alphabetical order) 6 of the best HR thought leaders to follow. Each of these accounts offers insightful, practical ways to improve your HR knowledge and stay up-to-date with changes in the industry.

1. hr bartender

We love this great Twitter account and blog—HR Bartender shares HR and related news in a way that is funny and helpful. The account shares content from across the web that makes you think—it’s a must-follow for us.

2. Meghan Biro 

Biro is the CEO and Founder of Talent Culture. She is a globally recognized HR and technology analyst, author, speaker and brand strategist. Biro has been voted one of the Top 100 Social Media Power Influencers in 2015 by StatSocial and Forbes, and her Twitter account is a great place to keep up with the newest trends in HR.

3. Officevibe 

The Officevibe Twitter account is a great resource for timely, interesting, and helpful articles for HR professionals—but the account also shares productivity and “life hack”-type advice that’s helpful for all situations.

4. Society for Human Resource Management

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is the world’s largest professional association of HR pros. Follow their account for interesting articles and updates on all things HR!

5. Talent Culture 

This account is the social arm of “the crossroads of Talent + Culture – where workplace ideas and energy flourish.” They host a #WorkTrends Twitter chat that provides an interactive forum for businesses of all size to chime in and learn great ideas about HR and related topics—it’s one you shouldn’t miss.

6. TLNT 

The self-proclaimed “fastest growing website in the HR space,” TLNT’s Twitter account is an extension of the website’s focus: news, trends, insight and analysis from the world of HR & talent management.

Now, we know there are tons more great HR-focused Twitter accounts we didn’t share in this article. Who should we add? Tweet us @MyGenesisHR with your suggestions, and we just might add them to a future article!