The workplace is changing rapidly, but still not fast enough for the women of the world. It’s the year 2015 and women are still being overlooked for the leadership and C-level positions they rightfully deserve.
There are many reasons why this inequality has continued even after monumental acts of women who have completely shattered the glass ceiling. Women are constantly striving for equality, but the harsh reality is that you can’t change people; well at least not overnight.
As a female millennial just starting her career, I often envision my future.
Will I be a successful business woman?
Will I climb the corporate ladder?
Will I be promoted if I so choose to bear children?
I mull over these thoughts time to time, but then I go to work every day at Genesis HR Solutions and realize that there is hope. The leadership team at Genesis consists of a male CEO, Bob Burbidge and two female Presidents, Patty Hilger and Diane Stevenson. It’s so inspiring and refreshing to have such a diverse leadership team.
Patty is both President and Chief Operating Officer and Diane is also President, as well as Chief Financial Officer of Genesis. They have both proved that women can climb the ladder, raise a family AND have successful careers.
Here is some of the advice they have to share about being a successful business woman:
• Find balance. Life is all about balance. You need to find time for your family, time for your career and time for yourself. It might take a few trial and errors, but try to find the right division of time that “works”.
• Set a schedule. There are only 24 given hours in a day, so get more out of each hour by creating a schedule. Your schedule doesn’t have to be set in stone, but it will help you prioritize your daily tasks and improve your time management skills.
• Accept help. Whether you hire help for your business, home, or children, know that you do not have to do everything yourself. Once you start accepting help, you will notice more balance in your life.
• Find time for yourself. Make your free time just as important as your children’s visit to the pediatrician or that really important meeting at work. Schedule your “me” time just like it were any other important task. Maybe it’s an hour at the gym or relaxing on the couch for 5 minutes, but find whatever it is that helps you de-stress and make it a priority.
For more helpful advice, please reach out to Genesis HR Solutions at or 800-367-8367.
Genesis HR Solutions is the premier PEO provider for Massachusetts based businesses.