When most people hear the term “spring cleaning”, they think of cleaning out the garage or sweeping dust-bunnies out from under the bed. Forward thinking company leaders use their renewed energy to spring clean their home and their business. Here are some simple organizational tasks that may help breathe life back into your organization this spring!
1. Prune your existing business practices. Get rid of things sucking the life out of employees and the organization. Identify business activities that no longer provide any value to your business and nip them in the bud, (literally)!
2. Sharpen the tools in your shed. While cleaning out the garage, you may find some old tools that have lost their edge. The same thing may happen to those employees that you’ve been under-utilizing. Spring is the perfect time to provide training for existing employees, allowing them to sharpen their skills and maybe even pick up some new ones.
3. Plant fresh flowers. May is just around the corner, which means college graduates will soon be seeking to enter the job market. April showers bring May flowers and you might want to consider adding some fresh flowers to your garden of talent this year.
4. Irrigate your lawn. Remain relevant to potential prospects and leads by implementing a drip marketing campaign. Automated drip marketing can be used as an efficient lead generation and qualification process that may attract new business.
Spring cleaning your small business is both refreshing and rewarding. During the spring cleaning process you may find your spirits lifted and the bottom line of your business clearer than ever. It’s been a long and harsh winter, so spring into action!
For more ideas on how to “spring clean” your organization, please reach out to Genesis HR Solutions at AskUs@genesishrsolutions.com or 800-367-8367
Genesis HR Solutions is the premier PEO provider for Massachusetts based businesses.