Almost overnight, millions of people who make up the American workforce were forced to adapt to a new reality in light of the COVID-19 pandemic: working from home (WFH). The current emergency situation is changing the landscape of the work environment for these employees as well as the employers tasked with managing them.

For many of our clients, WFH was already a normal course of business; as employers, they had existing flexible work arrangements that allowed employees to work from home. For these clients, perhaps little has changed in these arrangements except that the normal flow of business is changed, there’s added pressure for parents and caregivers, and business plans have slowed or pivoted.

Other employers may have allowed WFH on a very limited scale. For example, they allowed employees to work from home if sick but still able to work, employees had a doctor appointment in the middle of the day, etc. For these clients, the arrangement is now expanding, and there is a level of uncertainty about how to make these changes in a way that’s able to be consistent and conducive to business growth over the long term.

These recommended tools and resources can help employers and employees alike as they adapt to working from home. Share on X

Finally, some employers were not prepared for this shift at all—they had no WFH policies in place, no experience with managing remote employees or leading teams remotely—and they are scrambling to figure out how to keep employees working—if they have the ability to do so. For these employers, this drastic change in the way business is done can be terrifying.

However, no matter which category your organization falls in, there is help for your company.

Our ever-expanding library of work from home resources is available to you and your employees at any time, free of charge. Learn about 25 of these selected resources below, and share them with your team.

25 Recommended Work From Home Resources & Tools For Employers

COVID-19-related Resources For Employers

Payment Protection Plan Information

CARES Act Information

Families First Coronavirus Response Act Information

Coronavirus & The Workplace

Sample Leave, Health, and Telecommuting Policies and Templates

COVID-19-related Resources For Employees

Information For Caregivers

Coping With Stress

General Guidance For Employees

For More Help With Your Company’s HR Strategy

We are here to help your company navigate through COVID-19 and into the future. Call (781) 272-4900 or complete this brief form, and we’ll be glad to help you get answers.

Contact us