If it’s your employee’s first day on the job, chances are they have a lot on their minds already. Want to make it easier for them to come in to the office confident and prepared to be successful in their role? Then consider sending them this checklist of things to bring with them on their first day. Here’s the list:
Things Employees Should Bring On Their First Day
- Identification. This includes a driver’s license or other federal photo I.D., which you’ll need to show your HR representative on the first day of work. You should also bring secondary proof of I.D., which may include a passport, bills, or other paperwork—to help verify your legal status.
- Social security numbers. Employees should bring their own SSN as well as the numbers of any dependents or beneficiaries they may have. They’ll need these when answering questions about benefits.
- Tax filing preferences. New employees should be prepared to answer questions about how many allowances they are claiming and how much to withhold from each paycheck.
- Emergency contact information.
- Automobile information. For parking purposes, employees should be prepared to provide their vehicle’s make, model, and license plate number.
- A voided check and bank account information for setting up direct deposit.
- A good lunch and a snacks to get you through the day.
Pro tip for employers: Do everything you can to eliminate or reduce paperwork on an employee’s first day. By having employees sign paperwork electronically, either on their first day or before they even begin, you’ll save time.