Greatest HR hits from 2017Here are some of our “greatest hits” articles from 2017.  Whether you missed them the first time or want to revisit your favorites, we hope you find something helpful in these articles.

1. Pros & cons of auto-enrolling your employees in a 401(k) program

Auto-enrolling employees in 401(k) can be a good way to jump start their retirement savings.  We cover the pros and cons of auto-enrollment in this article.

2. What is a stay interview, & why do you need one?

Losing good employees has many negative effects on your business and your budget.  Learn how stay interviews can help identify and fix potential problems before they lead to an employee walking out the door.

3. How to keep your employee handbook current (and useful)

Your employee handbook should constantly be evolving to meet the needs of your business and your employees.  Here are some tips for keeping your handbook as up to date as possible.

4. 5 surprising facts about the employee lifecycle

Our employee lifecycle infographic breaks down some of the key components of an employee’s journey through your company, including many issues or costs you might not be aware of.

5. How to successfully train a remote employee

Remote employees require a different type of training and onboarding than an on-site employee.  Make sure you’re setting them up to succeed with these tips on training a remote employee.

6. How long do you need to keep HR paperwork?

Keeping proper documentation is key to a successful HR strategy.  But how long should you keep certain documents around?  This article can help you sort out what to get rid of to decrease your HR paperwork clutter.