woman sitting in front of a computer

Skype interviews are becoming much more common as companies embrace technology and often hire remote employees.  Just because you are not face to face with your interviewer, does not mean you shouldn’t take it as seriously. All of the same interview rules apply, and more.

Of course you know to avoid the common pitfalls, like speaking negatively about your former employer, or sharing personal information, but do you know how to make an outlasting impression via Skype? Face to face and phone job interviews are nerve-wracking enough, so here are some tips for acing your Skype interview.

1.  Prepare ahead of time. Avoid an interview faux pas by testing your hardware and software. Make sure you are familiar with the Skype software and know how to navigate the program before you go live with an interviewer. Practice by calling a friend to do a quick sound and video check to ensure everything is set up properly.

2.  Use a professional username. Your Skype interview starts the minute the interviewer adds your username, so it should be professional. Skype accounts are free, so make sure you save your nickname account for your friends.

3.  Dress for success. Just because you are sitting in front of a computer screen, does not mean it’s a good idea to keep your pajama pants on. Don’t be tempted to dress professionally half way or not at all. Proper interview clothing is crucial.

4.  Be aware of your surroundings. Find a quiet and clean space where you won’t be interrupted or distracted by background noises. You want your interviewer’s full, undivided attention, so make a sign and hang it up to instruct intruders from entering your interview space.

5.  Properly hang up. Just because you think you are off air, doesn’t mean you hung up correctly. Close your laptop immediately, or wait a few minutes after you have closed the Skype program completely. You don’t want to say or do anything to hinder the impression you just gave your interviewer.

6.  Follow up. Following up helps the interviewer remember who you are and it ensures that you don’t fall into the abyss of the forgotten. A thank you note or short email after the interview will suffice, but take into consideration the means of communication you interact with them and chose the most beneficial follow up.

Interviewing can be stressful on its own; even worse when you add an extra wrinkle like Skype.  By following these steps you can avoid the technology adding even more stress and helping you focus on the interview itself.

If you have questions or would like to learn more, please reach out to Genesis HR Solutions at AskUs@genesishrsolutions.com or 800-367-8367.

Genesis HR Solutions is the premier PEO provider for Massachusetts based businesses.