Flagship Press + GenesisHR

Founded in 1950, Flagship Press is a leader in the commercial printing industry because of their commitment to staying on the cutting edge of the print and production industry, incorporating the latest sustainable printing practices, materials and technologies. Aa single source for comprehensive graphics, print management and production — all under one roof. Plus, when you work with Flagship, you can always expect the highest level of professionalism.
Our problem
“As an HR Manager I felt like I was in the dark with our prior solution provider. I kind of felt that I was by myself and I didn’t have anyone to go to for those questions that were particular to our industry, or new laws that were coming our way. I felt like I had no one I could turn to with and when I called I was always directed to someone new, or they weren’t vested in us as a company. We new we needed to find a new PEO partner.”
The GenesisHR solution
“I was really excited to find GenesiHR. They were very hands on and I just had a really good feeling. The most important thing for me, in my position was that our service team was local. So when I made a phone call, I knew I was getting someone close by and if I needed them to come to the office, they would absolutely be there when needed. Having a dedicated HR professional that I can reach out to was key and they if our employees need help they reach out to the exact same person.”
The GenesisHR Family
“I was just really happy to find a company that was more hands on and took the time to make sure that we were following all the state and federal rules and regulations. We’re a rather large company, so things pop up every single day. But I know if I have a question no matter how big or how small, I can reach out to our HR contact and she’s there to make sure that we’re all on the same page and that we’re responding as we should.”